Study weekend
Det har varit en kall och regnig helg så jag bestämde mig för att hålla mig inne och plugga. Kom igenom de flesta av uppgifterna och nu är det vara de "roligare" uppgifterna kvar. Jag var dessutom på GRIT i fredags med Denis, det va galet jobbigt och jag pushade mig själv sjukt hårt. Efter det åkte vi med alla från passet till en bar i Berwyn, väldigt trevligt och än trevligare idag när jag åkte till gymmet och folk faktiskt stannade för att prata med mig.
It's been a cold and rainy weekend so I decided to use the time to study. Got through most of the assignments and now I only have the stuff I'm good at left, no not really but it is not the terrible boring part. I also went to GRIT on Friday with Denise, it is a crazy hard (for me) half an hour were I really push my limits and after that we all went to the tavern in Berwyn. It was really fun and today when I was back at the gym again I realized how fun it is to actually know people there that you can talk to.
It's been a cold and rainy weekend so I decided to use the time to study. Got through most of the assignments and now I only have the stuff I'm good at left, no not really but it is not the terrible boring part. I also went to GRIT on Friday with Denise, it is a crazy hard (for me) half an hour were I really push my limits and after that we all went to the tavern in Berwyn. It was really fun and today when I was back at the gym again I realized how fun it is to actually know people there that you can talk to.
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