Long Island University

Flyt i oflytet! Vi fick inte ut våra "riktiga" biljetter till bussen så fick krabba massa med det men det är tur arr det finns snälla och förstående människor ibland som faktiskt vill hjälpa till. Själva plugget var inte så komplicerat, satt mest och snacksade till filmerna vi tittade på och kladdade på alla papper i min närhet så fort jag lyfte pennan. Maten vad helt okej men kaffet var bedrövligt!

You got to be lucky sometimes. We couldn't print our bus tickets to we had some problems getting on the bus up to New York but there was this really nice lady who helped us. Other than that the weekend was okay. Didn't really do much in class, spent most of my time sacking and drawing at every pice of paper in front of me. The food was okay but the coffee was terrible, good thing we brought like a ton of snacks with us to keep us awake!


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