Snow storm

Denna helgen kom det massivt med snö och mer eller minded help staden gick in i dvala. Eftersom de bara har snö mer eller mindre några dagar on året så är de inte utrustade för vädret och alla laddade upp med snacks och annat och de flesta gick inte ut fören snön slutat falla. På söndagsmorgonen var alla på vår gata ute och skottade tillsammans till musik i solen. Så mysigt att vi har sån gemenskap på gatan! 

This weekend there was a blizzard and there came a ton of snow and the entire city closed because no one could really go anywhere. They don't really have the equipment that you need to handle snow, they only have snow a few days a year so they don't really need it. But yeah this weekend was a bit extreme. We loaded up on snacks and most of us just stayed inside until it was over. On Sunday morning everyone on our street was outside shoveling together to music in the sun. I love our street for those things! I would never wanna trade this to anything else. 


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