Taking pictures
Åkte till Valley Forge för att ta lite bilder med Mayra i vårt vinterland som vi befinner oss i just nu. Vi plogade genom snön för att få lite bra bilder men efter en stunds promenad så drog vi oss hemåt. Vi stannade på Wegmans på vägen hem för att köpa lite snacks och sen satte vi igång filmen "Chalet Girl", en sån där lyckorus film för speciellt tjejer. Har ni inte sett den så se den, jag har nog sett den hundra gånger vid det här lagen, kanske inte riktigt men nästan. När filmen va slut drog vi oss bort till Bryn Mawr för att spela pool. Aldrig spelat det innan men det gick förvånansvärt bra måste jag säga, nybörjartur förmodligen. En öl och fura rundor pool senare åkte vi till Hopes cookies för glass innan vi åkte hem.
Went to Valley Forge park today with my great friend Mayra to take some pictures in our white wonderland that is going on right now. We plowed through the snow to get some great shots of nature. After a good walk we drove past a store to pick up snacks for some movie time at my place. we saw "Chalet Girl", great mood booster for all you girls out there and I've probably seen it a hundred times by now, but it is just one of those movies you sometimes wish to be in. After a filling snacking meal we drove off to Bryn Mawr to play some pool. First time I've ever done it and I must say I did pretty great! Beginners luck I guess. After a beer and four rounds of pool we went on to Hopes cookies for some ice cream and chatting before it was time to go home. I've had a great Saturday and I sure do hope all of you had one as well.
Went to Valley Forge park today with my great friend Mayra to take some pictures in our white wonderland that is going on right now. We plowed through the snow to get some great shots of nature. After a good walk we drove past a store to pick up snacks for some movie time at my place. we saw "Chalet Girl", great mood booster for all you girls out there and I've probably seen it a hundred times by now, but it is just one of those movies you sometimes wish to be in. After a filling snacking meal we drove off to Bryn Mawr to play some pool. First time I've ever done it and I must say I did pretty great! Beginners luck I guess. After a beer and four rounds of pool we went on to Hopes cookies for some ice cream and chatting before it was time to go home. I've had a great Saturday and I sure do hope all of you had one as well.
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