Washington DC
Min värdmamma tog med mig till DC i två dagar så jag har sprungit runt i hela stora staden och sett allt jag bara kunnat se vilket har gett mig en ful bränna, ont i fötterna och fantastiska bilder från fantastiska platser i en alldeles fantastisk stad! Av någon anledning har jag alltid tyckt om DC, redan innan jag åkte dit första gången och ju mer tid jag spenderar där ju mer tycker jag om det. Det är något med all kultur och alla parker som gör att jag känner mig som hemma. Älskar att det är så sjukt lätt att hitta med, trodde jag skulle springa vilse flera gånger men jag hittade tillbaka till hotellet efter varje äventyr utan gps.
My host mom asked me if I wanted to join her to Washington DC, so for two days I've been running around in the big city and I've seen pretty much all there is to see (or all I wanted to see). This have given me an ugly tan, hurting feet and pretty pictures from amazing places in a fantastic city! For some reason I've always liked DC, already before I went there the first time and the more time I spend in the city, the more I like it. It's just something about it and I love the fact that it is so easy to navigate, I managed to find my way back to the hotel every time without using maps on my phone.
My host mom asked me if I wanted to join her to Washington DC, so for two days I've been running around in the big city and I've seen pretty much all there is to see (or all I wanted to see). This have given me an ugly tan, hurting feet and pretty pictures from amazing places in a fantastic city! For some reason I've always liked DC, already before I went there the first time and the more time I spend in the city, the more I like it. It's just something about it and I love the fact that it is so easy to navigate, I managed to find my way back to the hotel every time without using maps on my phone.
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